There were nine of us that went; 5 girls, 4 boys. It was so perfect. Again, I find myself at a loss for words...

Hiking has become a new love of mine. It keeps me fit, it's fun, and most of all, it makes me feel at one with nature.
We ended up (after a long day of hiking) in Monterosso, where we stayed in an apartment set up for us personally by an angel-- Jerry. You see, Ali and I were stuck planning most of the trip. The week of the event. On the weekend of a special holiday. While everything else was relatively painless, finding accommodation was not! To make a long story short, after hours of fruitless phone calls to hotels, hostels and the like-- trying to book for 9 people no less-- we found Jerry, who worked in a hotel in Monterosso.
Jerry is one of those people. The people who are so nice you can't even believe it. He ended up offering us his own apartment, and a friend's place for the boys! It worked out perfectly, and I give all the credit to our angel Jerry.
Immediately when we ended our 5 hour hike along the cliffs, the nine of us went straight for the local wine shop that Jerry had recommended per our phone conversation. It was amazing, and the people were incredibly hospitable, feeding us cup after cup of delicious wine and cheese-- all homemade!
After this, the girls decided to head for the Mediterranean coast, and told the boys to meet us there with more wine and cheese! They brought the wine, but accidentally bought wax instead of cheese. But it didn't matter; we were in the most beautiful place on Earth! And Jerry was riding his bicycle up to us, ready to show us to his place.

This has been the best weekend so far on my trip... Perhaps one of the best weekends of my life.
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